Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | computer | operating system | multimedia | tablet computer OCR: Everything you need to easily create and browse Web pages! at Reptile Reptile express HotDog Express Reptile allows you to easily create cool backgrounds. Produce any combination of wavy, bubbly, organic, big, small, wide, nar- Without knowing or even wanting to know HTML, HotDog row, rough or smooth textures, then color them for your own Express will, in four easy steps, help you to build and upload look. your very own Web page. Simply drag and drop "Web blocks" to construct a page of headings, images, para- Use your wild creations for your Web page backgrounds, on graphs, lines, links and even email addresses. Change the your Windows desktop, or invent a completely new use for look until you're happy and then automatically upload to them, it's entirely up to you. XOOM to publish your page on the Web , absolutely free! Clip content: · 2000+ Photos · 4000+ Animated Gifs · 4000+ Web Objects JACKHAMMER Jackhammer System Requirements: Windows 95/NT: 486 or better, minimum 16MB RAM Jackhammer is the solution to the problem of trying to gain All systems require minimum video of 640 x 480 x 256 colors, mouse, key- access to a busy web site or an FTP server that is always full. board, audio and CD-ROM drive. Jackhammer will continue to hit those sites until it gains TM access and will than launch a new browser window or will automatically download a requested file. These processes XOOM, Inc. X TM Sausage take place in the background, leaving you free to surf some- 300 Montgomery St ., Suite 300 where else in the meantime. San Francisco, CA 94104 XOOM Limited Use Rights: COMPACT The clips in the WEB PAGE STARTER KIT can be reproduced royalty free in print and digital publica- disc tions or presentations, except that resale or distribution in the form of clip art collections or as clip art is not permitted. XOOM, WEB PAGE STARTER KIT and the X in circle are Trademarks of XOOM, Inc. Other names or trademarks are those of their respective holders. 6 50634 00025 DATA STORAGE 1997, 1998 XOOM, Inc. and its Licensors. All rights reserved.